Surfing Tips and Tricks

If you are looking for surfing tips and tricks, you have come to the right place. You can learn about keeping your head up, how to make a proper bottom turn, how to Pump and how to stand up on a wave. You can even watch videos of professional surfers and get an idea of how they use rails and the use of speed.

Keeping your head up

One of the most important things to remember while surfing is to keep your head up and looking towards the ocean. This will help you stay aware of the waves and other surfers coming towards you. In addition, it will help you to keep your distance from them. Most surfer-surfer collisions are due to the surfers not keeping their distance. Keeping your head up will also help you to avoid stingrays.

Making a proper bottom turn

Making a proper bottom turn is a skill that requires lots of practice. You must first head into the trough of the wave to be able to make the turn, then commit to the turn with speed. It is vital to learn how to make the correct turn so that you can get back on the wave’s face. The point at which you take off is different if you are making a shallow or deep bottom turn.


Pumping while surfing is a technique that is used to increase the speed of a surfer while riding a wave. This technique involves lifting the nose of a surfboard out of the water and then pressing your foot back down to turn that potential energy into kinetic energy. This technique allows the surfer to gain a significant boost of speed prior to entering a wave pocket.

Standing up on a wave

While standing up on a wave is difficult at first, it will get easier as you become more comfortable with the technique. The trick is timing. If you jump up too early, you’ll sink off the back of the wave and lose power. If you wait until the wave is too big, you may end up on the bottom of the wave, losing all power and being wiped out.

Avoiding stingrays

Stingrays are among the most common creatures found on US beaches. While the round stingray is most common on US East Coast beaches, you can also see them on the West Coast. They live in shallow coastal waters and feed on crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish. However, it is essential to avoid stepping on them.

Finding a beginner-friendly beach

Whether you’re new to surfing or have been surfing for years, there are many things to consider when finding a beginner-friendly beach. You’ll want to avoid crowded spots that have dangerous waves, and you’ll want to be sure to check the water conditions before you go. There are several sites that offer surf forecasts, including Onewavesurf, which is based in SoCal.

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