Food – SG Arts Developing Creativity and Culture Sat, 23 Sep 2023 08:10:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Food – SG Arts 32 32 Discover the Power of Wholesome Foods Sat, 23 Sep 2023 08:10:51 +0000 Discover the Power of Wholesome Foods Read More »

Wholesome foods are nature’s gift to humanity, brimming with nutrients, flavor, and vitality. These foods are pillars of health and well-being in a world dominated by processed items and quick fixes. They are unrefined, untreated, and, most importantly, authentic. Consuming them is akin to filling our bodies with pure energy derived directly from the earth. Not only do they nourish us physically, but they also rejuvenate our minds and spirits. As the global consciousness shifts towards healthier lifestyles, it’s imperative to recognize and harness the unparalleled power of wholesome foods. This article aims to illuminate their transformative potential.

Natural Nutrient Reservoirs

Wholesome foods, be they fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, or grains, are loaded with essential nutrients. They come packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibers the body requires for optimal functioning. Unlike their processed counterparts, which often lose nutrients during manufacturing, wholesome foods retain their nutrient profile. Consuming them infuses your body with beneficial compounds that support everything from immune function and digestion to energy production and cognitive health.

Supporting Digestive Health

One of the standout benefits of wholesome foods is their positive impact on the digestive system. Foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are rich in dietary fiber. This fiber aids regular bowel movements, prevents constipation, and supports a healthy gut microbiome. Furthermore, certain wholesome foods like fermented vegetables contain probiotics, beneficial bacteria that promote gut health. A robust digestive system is crucial for overall wellness; incorporating healthy foods is a step in the right direction.

Antioxidant Powerhouses

Oxidative stress, caused by free radicals in the body, is linked to premature aging and various chronic diseases. Wholesome foods, wildly colorful fruits and vegetables, are teeming with antioxidants. These compounds neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and its associated risks. Foods like berries, nuts, green leafy vegetables, and beans are particularly rich in these protective compounds, defending the body against potential harm.

Energy Sustainers

Unlike sugary snacks or caffeinated drinks that offer a quick energy spike followed by a crash, wholesome foods provide sustained energy. For instance, complex carbohydrates found in whole grains release glucose gradually, ensuring consistent energy levels. Similarly, the healthy fats in avocados or nuts fuel the body efficiently. By choosing wholesome over processed, one can maintain better energy balance and productivity throughout the day.

Holistic Health Boosters

Wholesome foods don’t just target one aspect of health; they promote wellness. Regular consumption can lead to better weight management, improved mental clarity, enhanced mood, and even clearer skin. The nutrient diversity in these foods ensures that the body’s various systems, from cardiovascular to nervous, receive the support they need. Thus, their power extends beyond physical health, touching every facet of human well-being.


Wholesome foods are not just dietary choices; they are decisions that shape our health trajectory. Their power lies in their simplicity, purity, and nutrient density. As we journey towards better health, turning to nature’s bounty, as provided by these foods, can make the path both enjoyable and rewarding.

Embrace the power of wholesome foods today. Begin by incorporating one new natural food into your diet daily. Experience the difference, relish the vitality, and make healthy eating a joyful habit. Your body and mind will thank you.


  • Massaman curry, Thailand
  •             Everyone knows about curry but each country has little bit different traditions on how to prepare it. This version is made with peanuts and cashews and what else is unusual it is potatoes. You can add your choice of protein but what they are using the most is beef, duck or chicken but if you are vegetarian you can add tofu as an protein alternative. It is the best curry because it has the most unique taste out off the all Thai curries.

    2) Neapolitan pizza, Italy

                I mean I am not even surprised that pizza have made it to the list, because pizza is life. Neapolitan pizza it is the most common type of pizza what they are eating in Italy. It has tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and basil leaves in the middle. Now the question is does pineapple belong to pizza?

    3) Chocolate, Mexico

                I feel like kids would love this choice. Mexico has one of the best chocolates in the world because they are using the best cacao beans with highly nutritious seeds and that is what is making the chocolate so amazing.  They are also having drink called ‘Chocolate de mesa’. Which is  toasted cacao nibs with almonds, sugar, cinnamon and often they are using variety of other spices.

    4) Sushi, Japan

                Sushi, I feel like you either love it or hate it there is no in between. It is the most common meal in Japan and they are eating it on every occasion. In translation it is pickled fish preserved in vinegar but as the time goes the definition has been changed and now they have added rice which is prepared in vinegar. There is plenty of variations of sushi and the most common types are Nigiri, Gunkan, Norimaki, Temaki and more.

    5) Peking Duck, China

                This meal has started to be served while ago and it is more of the tradition now. How is it served and cooked? The duck has thin, crisp skin and they are cutting it on slices. Peking Duck is usually eaten with spring onions, cucumber and sweet bean sauce with pancakes (the beans are the filling of the pancakes).

    Now when I told you about all the amazing meals, I hope you have got some inspiration for your next meals or maybe even trip. If you don’t have time for traveling but you would still like to try some new meals from different cultures, OmdömesStalle has amazing reviews for services which can help you deliver ingredients or you can find amazing recommendations for booking websites.

    Alkalinity and Acidity: Keeping Balance for a Healthy Body Sat, 09 Mar 2019 22:59:25 +0000 Alkalinity and Acidity: Keeping Balance for a Healthy Body Read More »

    We all know something about alkalinity and acidity from our school chemistry course. But not everyone realizes we can use this knowledge to improve our organism, adjust diet, and find balance that will make our bodies happy.

    The Basics on Alkalinity and Acidity

    There’s a scale of 0 to 14, in which everything below 7 indicates acidity, while everything above 7 indicates alkalinity. The middle of the scale is where water is, because it’s deemed the most neutral substance we consume. The first thing most people think about this scale is that the more acid there is in a food item, the more acidic the internal environment will become after consuming that food.

    Paradoxically, lemon, for example, aids in making that environment more alkaline, which puts it on the list of alkaline foods. The thing with this is that the less acidic you keep your diet, the healthier you will be. Or to say better, the more balance there is, the better. Acidic foods may cause serious health conditions, even including some types of cancer.

    Some of the most popular acidic foods are meat, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, processed sugar, etc. It doesn’t mean you should eliminate them from your diet completely, but experts in the alkaline diet recommend reducing the intake of such food and drinks to one fifth of the whole nutritious intake for a day.

    Best Alkaline Foods to Include Into Your Diet

    Here’s a list of the so-called super-foods you can use to make your diet more alkaline:

    • Spinach is a great addition to almost any dinner, whether it’s vegetables, meat, fish, pasta, etc. It’s also a great source of Vitamin A and C, as well as vital iron.
    • Buckwheat will help you create alkaline environment inside your body, also providing it with protein, iron, and calcium.
    • Olive Oil.
      Another great way to provide enough alkaline foods without changing your whole diet dramatically is to use olive oil when cooking. It’s a major source of monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as Vitamin E.
    • Better store on that pumpkin juice to get a lot of Vitamin A and alkaline. You can also make great desserts with this super-food.
    • Flax and Chia Seeds.
      Adding seeds to your meals is one of the best things you can do. Chia seeds are full of iron, calcium, and Vitamin A. Flax seeds are an amazing source of Omega-3 fatty acids.

    As you can see, it’s not necessary to change your diet completely to get healthier. It’s all about adding some nutritious alkalinity-inducing items and finding balance between your classic cravings and healthy delicious food.

    An Ultimate Advice on How to Make Your Diet Even Healthier Fri, 01 Mar 2019 22:55:18 +0000 An Ultimate Advice on How to Make Your Diet Even Healthier Read More »

    There’s no limit to perfection, and even if you’re not chasing a perfect healthy diet, it’s never bad to make your meals a bit more nutritious. There is one tip that will make sure you’re getting all out of your meals. You need a lot of antioxidants and micronutrients to help you keep being active and positive throughout the day.

    The advice is that you try learning more about synergy. It’s a process of combining to things that will have a greater effect on your health as a combination, not as two separate objects (food, in our case). It’s like uniting an unorganized but incredibly bright and talented student with a not that quick but highly organized one.

    There are some combos that will get some extra nutrition for you.

    Cooked Tomatoes and Carrots

    Most fruit and vegetables are the best when they’re raw, but this isn’t the truth for carrots and tomatoes. When you cook them, carrots get richer with beta carotene, while tomatoes enrich themselves with lycopene. It’s better if you steam them instead of boiling or frying, though.

    Black Pepper and Turmeric

    When it comes to spices, they are an amazing source of antioxidants that can enrich your food with one pinch. But turmeric and black pepper are a super-combo of spices, because the latter improves curcumin absorption by your body. Curcumin is the main and most powerful antioxidant in turmeric, but our body doesn’t absorb it easily.

    Vitamin C Sources and Spinach

    Spinach is valued for its vital iron content, the plant-based type that isn’t absorbed by our body very well. However, if you eat spinach along with a source of vitamin C, you will improve the amount of iron that your body with actually derive from the meal. It’s the opposite of the effect calcium does, as it reduces the organism’s ability to derive iron if taken in one meal of 30 minutes apart.

    Green Tea and Citrus

    We all know that green tea is a great source of antioxidants called catechins. They are very powerful and can help prevent cancer, Alzheimer’s, and much more diseases, especially those connected to aging and free radicals. These antioxidants are absorbed up to 98% better if you drink green tea with a citrus fruit of your choice. Maybe that’s why so many people like tea with lemon!

    These combos show us that although we may eat healthy food, it’s not always the truth that we get the most out of it. Some small additions can help us improve our diet greatly, prevent diseases, and slow down aging processes.

    Opt for Farmers’ Markets to Make Sure You Nourish Your Body Mon, 21 Jan 2019 02:20:53 +0000 Opt for Farmers’ Markets to Make Sure You Nourish Your Body Read More »

    Farmers’ markets gain more and more popularity lately. People get educated on healthy lifestyle, start implementing it, and find out how much chemicals and redundant additions there are in the food they find at grocery stores. So they opt for farmers’ markets, where people sell the food they grew themselves without harmful pesticides.

    Of course, you have to make sure the market you choose is trustworthy, because there are enough frauds. But all in all, these places help local farmers make money, help you stay healthy, and help our planet clean up.

    Can a Supermarket Be a Farmers’ Market?

    Only if it specializes in selling local food from local farmers, a supermarket can be called that. However, as the term isn’t that well-defined yet, many chain supermarkets just put these words over shelves with food grown on the other side of the planet and just imported here. This is not what we talk about now, we talk about local seasonal food.

    Why Local Seasonal Food Is a Good Choice

    There are several major advantages of fresh produce:

    • It helps reconnect to the bioregion you live in.
      Realization of the fact that earth gives us food and we grow it ourselves is crucial, especially for certain regions. Nowadays we can get any food from any place on Earth, so we forget what our local land can give us. It becomes neglected and may eventually lose its capabilities.
    • It’s much fresher and more nutritious.
      When you go to a farmers’ market, you know that the food was picked shortly before being placed on a shelf. In regular grocery stores you can find food that is still pretty nutritious, but it has flown miles and miles before reaching your city.
    • There’s wider variety of healthy foods.
      Farmers’ markets offer seasonal food, which will never leave you bored or disappointed. Also, local produce may afford growing sorts of fragile but extremely nutritious food like certain types of crops. They don’t need shipping and much storage, so you will get fresh nutritious products.
    • You support local produce.
      Supporting local seasonal produce will give more finances to the agricultural industry in your region. In its turn, it influences a lot of other industries, so you may do a lot of good for your city and for the whole country.

    Try going to a farmers’ market once, take a friend who knows how to recognize truly trustworthy farmers, and start your way to healthy life and rich nutrition!

    Wiser Food Choices Help You Delay Aging Wed, 05 Dec 2018 02:08:11 +0000 Wiser Food Choices Help You Delay Aging Read More »

    It’s been proven that a healthy diet will improve your health and help you live longer. However, the latest studies show that certain micronutrients can keep your skin and organs young for much longer time. Nowadays, the process of aging is quite accelerated, mostly because of all the stress, excess sugar consumption, and the amount of toxins in our food, water, and air.

    Potassium, Vitamin C, and folate in sufficient amounts will delay cell deterioration due to affecting the length of telomeres.

    What Telomeres Are and How They Affect Aging

    Telomeres are the endings of our chromosomes, like tiny rubber bands that keep strands together. They help the strands of our DNA information stay in place, as when they move and tangle, they start genetic changes. The key characteristic of telomeres is their length, but unfortunately, they shorten with time.

    The cell loss that follows may lead to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cardiovascular medical conditions, aging, and sooner death. Luckily, it’s possible to help telomere length maintain itself for much longer time by just adjusting your diet accordingly.

    Adjusting One’s Diet to Maintain Telomere Length

    There are a lot of factors that impact the longevity of a person, but keeping your diet healthy and your daily routine active will definitely give you more time in this world. There is a study by South Korean scientists that was published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics that proves certain micronutrients help keep the length of telomeres.

    The research had been going on for whole 10 years, following the eating and lifestyle patterns of almost 2,000 men and women aged 40-69. As a result, vitamin C, folate, and potassium were noticed to have a positive effect on the length of telomeres. However, the researchers have also noted that the positive change was most definite for people under 50 years old.

    This means that it’s the best to start adjusting your lifestyle as soon as possible. The scientists say that “earlier consumption” of the mentioned micronutrients will help you delay aging. All these nutrients are mostly in fruit and vegetables that should be a considerable part of your diet if you want to switch to the healthy side.

    Sources of Needed Micronutrients

    Great sources of folate are:

    • Dark leafy greens
    • Broccoli
    • Corn
    • Cauliflower
    • Beets
    • Lentils, beans, and peas
    • Nuts and seeds
    • Avocado

    Great sources of potassium are:

    • Potatoes (especially skin)
    • Bananas
    • Kiwi
    • Apricot
    • Meat
    • Fish (mostly salmon, cod, sardines)

    Great sources of vitamin C are:

    • Citrus fruits
    • Strawberries
    • Cantaloupes
    • Mangos
    • Blueberries
    • Watermelon

    Make sure you include all of these into your diet!

    Tips To Secure Big Savings on Online Grocery Shopping Fri, 23 Nov 2018 22:43:58 +0000 Tips To Secure Big Savings on Online Grocery Shopping Read More »

    Buying groceries is a valuable topic for most families and one of the most critical domestic activities. You can skip other tasks, but you cannot just skip shopping for groceries. Previous shoppers had to go to supermarkets or local grocery stores to pick up the items, take them to check-in desks, wait a long time, and then bring the things home. The whole process was hectic, slow and exhausting.

    The Internet age has dramatically changed the way we buy groceries, as more and more people are choosing to shop online. With a click of the mouse or touching the screen of the mobile device, anyone can easily buy items for the home on online catering websites. The advent of e-commerce has undoubtedly changed the purchasing landscape. Whether buying baby food or high-quality electronics, consumers around the world are turning to online platforms.

    Companies such as Great British Meat have positioned themselves among the many online grocery stores. However, one must also assess the quality of the products, are they from a reliable source, and are you supporting locals or are you buying from a foreign company?

    Several factors are responsible for the attractiveness of online shopping in the mass market, such as convenience, mass discounts, a wide variety, free home delivery and the possibility of payment on delivery. Online shopping has become more critical with the advent of smartphones and broadband Internet, and they have naturally become part of our lives.

    Getting the most out of your online purchase. Despite the purchase of so many things on the Internet, few people know how to make their online shopping even more profitable and maximise their savings. There are proven ways to optimise your digital purchases.

    1. Make a complete list of the items you want to buy

    It’s always a good idea to get into the platform online with a full list of what you really want to buy. If you have a list of items, be sure to order only what you need and not to exceed your purchase budget. The most significant difference between buying in a grocery store and buying in an online grocery store is that we are talking about other grocery products that we do not really need, or we can afford to delay the purchase of this item. However, in supermarkets, they are presented in a way that catches our attention, and we cannot resist the temptation to buy them. Chances are limited if you buy online, but it’s best to keep a shopping list if you do not want to spend too much.

    1. Look for the maximum number of online grocery stores

    The success of online shopping depends on the efficiency of your search. Most people make the mistake of buying things quickly. Search the Internet, click on the first Web site that appears in the search result, and organise the items. To make substantial savings when shopping online, you need to look for more. In most cases, it has been found that the best prices are hidden in the websites that appear on the second page of the search result. Be a diligent searcher, since you do not have to leave home and search for the best deal in town, look for a little more online and get the best price. You can be satisfied to know that you have the best offer at the lowest price.

    1. Check if the purchase page you selected is linked to your personal bank

    Often, we do not forget to check that the website which we bought something has a link with our own bank. Yes, this is because most shopping sites offer additional discounts and rebates to customers who manage the bank account with which the shopping sites have a business relationship. You can earn bonus points, special discounts and additional services on both the purchase and the bank side. So check all these things before adding items to your cart.

    Be a wise buyer and follow all suggestions above. You can make the most of your online grocery purchases safely.

    Understanding Whether Your Body Needs a Detox Fri, 23 Nov 2018 02:06:05 +0000 Understanding Whether Your Body Needs a Detox Read More »

    Let’s make this clear: we’re not talking about detox with expensive powder “juices” or magical pills. We’re talking about your body’s natural detoxification mechanism – the lymphatic system. If our body couldn’t get rid of toxins itself, we would already be long dead. It’s frustrating to see people are so oblivious to how much our body can actually do to maintain strong health.

    The lymphatic system flushes toxins out of the body, including cell waste and other redundant substances. It also carries the lymphatic fluid around the body. Unfortunately, current unhealthy habits and diet of so many people puts too much stress on the detox system that it works very slowly. But you can heal it and “help it help you”, as they say.

    How to Understand Your Body is Filled with Toxins

    There are several signs of “dirt” making your body sick:

    • You frequently feel constipated.
    • You start getting allergic reactions to food.
    • You develop hormonal imbalance.
    • You have chronic headaches and fatigue.
    • Your skin loses healthy tone, acne appear.
    • You experience difficulties when trying to lose fat.

    These are some of the signals your body is sending you to show something isn’t right. Some other contributing factors to increase in toxicity are birth control pills, certain painkillers, mercury that is known to be present in some kinds of fish (tuna is the most popular of them), etc.

    Cleaning Your Body from Toxins Naturally

    Detoxification is done by the body itself, your only responsibility is to provide it with enough nutrients and cut off junk food. The latter should be the first step and the most difficult one as well. For the first few days you may have a withdrawal syndrome, headache, and fatigue, but this is a challenge worth taking.

    After all, you will lose weight naturally, reaching your healthy goals, your skin will clear up, your hormonal balance will improve. Your digestion will be restored, and your metabolism will increase.

    Here’s a brief list of things you have to make your new habits:

    • Eat healthy.
    • Hydrate your body.
    • Consume enough vitamins.
    • Incorporate some physical activity.

    Foods You Should Eliminate and Add to Your Diet

    The most intense part of a cleanse usually lasts from 6 weeks to half a year. During this time, do your best to eliminate alcohol, refined grains, caffeine, sugar, junk food, dairy (optional), and gluten (optional). Instead, add sources of Vitamin C and other healthy foods, like leafy greens, berries and citrus, seaweed, nuts, seeds, whole grains, etc.

    Tips to Cook Better Food Thu, 27 Sep 2018 20:00:03 +0000 Tips to Cook Better Food Read More »

    Food wonderful food. Follow these tips to have mouth’s watering over the food that you have prepared.

    Don’t over boil food

    When it comes to over boiling greens, we believe many of us are culprits. But the trick is to just steam them a bit and if you do boil, don’t overdo it. Even people who play games at casino online don’t overdo it. Otherwise, you will end up having brown and scrawny-looking greens. And over boiling them reduces their nutritional value.

    Minimize the fats

    Kids love greasy foods, and we are not too sure of the science behind that. But anyway, as much as they love greasy food, make sure they don’t eat too much of it. Food that has got too many fats can cause heartburn and for some, it can cause palpitations. So just a little fat can go a long way. Be especially aware when your mind is occupied by some suitable distractions such as the time you spend on sports betting websites. It can get very tempting in such cases to turn to convenience foods, most of which are inevitably very greasy.

    Too much of one thing is poison

    We understand that you love mac and cheese and it is the ideal meal. But too much of one thing is poison. So rotate, have mac and cheese, have beef stir-fry, have a French omelette. There are so many dinner options. And making the family eat the same meal over and over again can make them hate it. You can also use the money that was budgeted to play online pokies to buy more food.

    Avoid using leftover oil

    When deep-frying chicken, there tends to be a lot of cooking oil that is left over. And while we tend to re-use the leftover oil, just don’t overdo it. Try not to store it for too long. Some cooking oils tend to have a smell if they are used and stored. And as a result, when you cook with them again all your food will inherit that odour.

    Spend a little time on presentation

    A feast for the eyes is a feast for the mouth, and a feast for the mouth is a feast for the tummy.  What we are saying here is, spending a little time to make your meal more presentable. It won’t kill you. In fact, it will make all the people want to eat more of your food.

    What Qualifies Someone As a Foodie? Tue, 15 Aug 2017 09:03:08 +0000 What Qualifies Someone As a Foodie? Read More »

    Because it’s somewhat of the time vortex, I resolved not to log in to my personal Facebook account for a while and when I recently logged in I quickly realised just why it was such a good idea in the first place to stay away more. One of my contacts was criticising people whom according to him “claim to be foodies.”

    His message went something like this: “Just because you enjoy food and you know how to use your smartphone’s camera, that doesn’t qualify you as a foodie!”

    I beg to differ – although I would tend to agree with him to a certain extent. I believe that a foodie is someone who sees themselves as one, irrespective of the method through which they demonstrate their appreciation for everything that has to do with gastronomy. An assertion of oneself as a foodie is only strengthened by what you do in support of that assertion, which means you don’t have to have your own blog about food set up and maintained, on which you discuss all the dishes you’ve tried.

    If anything I feel that self-proclaimed foodies who post and discuss their relationship with food over social networking platforms are the more authentic ones. This is not to say every single foodie blog is a farce – I’m just bringing to light what I believe to be two different channels through which foodies can express themselves, but one which is more authentic than the other.

    The foodie who runs a blog will often feel pressure to come up with that next post, bedazzling it with all the bells and whistles in the form of professionally sourced stock imagery and the works, while the foodie who casually discusses the meal they had at a certain restaurant with their friends over their social networking platform is perhaps more genuine in the delivery of their experience. If they didn’t like certain aspects of the food, the service or even the venue, then they’re likelier to share those views than the foodie blogger who doesn’t want to spoil her literary work of art in fear of alienating potential sponsors.

    Who am I right? However, I do have my own opinion on exactly what qualifies someone as a foodie, apart from their self-proclamation of it. So I have a little 2-step framework which outlines what qualifies someone as a foodie:

    1. A love for food – you cannot proclaim yourself to be a foodie if you don’t love the experience of food, be it a love for the preparation process, the process of sourcing the ingredients, maybe even growing the ingredients or the process of giving your taste buds some work to do in helping you decide just how good something tastes.
    2. A desire to share your experience – If you don’t harbour a desire to tell even just one other person about your experience of the food you had, then you really have no right to call yourself a foodie. So whether you write about it and publish it on your foodie blog or indeed if you share the experience over your social media platforms, you can only really call yourself a true foodie if you have this desire to share your gastronomic experiences.

    Overall, anyone who has a passion for food could class themselves as a ‘foodie’ but in my eyes, a ‘foodie’ is the person who creates their own recipes from their favourite homegrown ingredients, like homemade pasta with leeks and garlic from their home vegetable garden!
